When Kenneth Grahame first imagined Toad of Toad Hall, his friends Badger, Rat and Mole, and the sleepy woods and pastoral visions of Thames Valley, he certainly didn't envision anything like this...
This is a clash of cultures. This is the war of the dance. This is Billy Joel fighting Terry Wogan.
Toad's craze for motorcars is the stuff of legends, but if you've never seen the trouble it got him and the rest of Edwardian England into, now is your chance to seize upon a bit of the madness of OTG youth theatre's youngest group, with their not-so-sleepy iteration of this much loved classic.
Mole is the 'shy' one of the group. That's if you believe his neighbours near his cozy hole of a home. But this Mole learns things from Ratty and Toad he never thought he would, and it often comes out in violent outbursts of expression and emotion. This Mole is slightly unhinged, and it could make all the difference.
This bloviating Badger is 'best boy' by his own beliefs. Did you know he knew Toad's father? Because you're bound to find out if you spend more than a few minutes with him...
Rat. Ratty. Rattitude. That's how this keen-eyed, loyal friend serves up her unique brand of justice. Think you know the difference between good and bad, right and wrong? Well, Rattitude is here to teach you a thing or two.
'Mad, bad, and dangerous to know.' That's how Lord Byron was once described, and though he has absolutely nothing to do with our story, it would come as no surprise if these mad, wily Weasels, bad, violent Voles and dangerous-to-know, sassy Stoats were the real reason he ran off to Switzerland.
Toad of Toad Hall needs no introduction. The best of the best, the cream of the crop, the frog's legs and the toad's nodes all in one dapper package. This Toad doesn't just think he's better than everyone else, he's so far in his own world he barely knows you exist at all. When he finds himself on the run, and when the weaselly stoats and the stoatally violent voles take over his beloved home, however, he'll need all the friends he never made to help him win it back again!